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This is my first official post on the site, so thats fun!
It took me a lot of tweaking to get the feel that I wanted, especially with the tools I'm using, but now I feel like I've pretty much removed all of the friction for myself to start posting here.
If you're curious about my tools, I'll propbably end up talking about it later as I never stop messing with my configs, but I made the switch from neovim to helix, and it's been pretty great. I love how easy everything has been to setup, especially the LSP's which just boils down to installing the language server, adding it to path, and then jumping into helix.
I will admit there are some things I miss from vim, especially all my plugins (which i'm sure I'll talk about at some point soon anyways), but I got yazi setup up with zellij witha keymap in helix so I can open up a file browser if I really need to, and other than that it really has been smooth sailing.
I've also the site set to auto build and update from the git repo, and I've got drafts and linking setup properly, so it's really off to the races now.
That being said, thanks for reading this, it's 2 am for me so I'm going to sleep.